Janet is a multi-talented, nationally award-winning artist known for her prowess as a national award-winning singer, songwriter, best-selling author, comedian, and former radio personality. With a diverse background that includes improvisation, authorship, and expertise in Organizational Management and Leadership Development, Janet brings a unique blend of entertainment and insight to every stage she graces.

Having earned a master’s degree in organizational management and accumulated decades of experience, Janet has perfected the art of inspiring individuals and organizations alike to reach new heights of success. Her performances seamlessly weave together the power of music, the joy of comedy, and the profundity of leadership development, captivating audiences and leaving them with invaluable lessons and unforgettable experiences.

Whether she's belting out tunes, evoking laughter, or delivering profound insights, Janet's presence on stage is electrifying. Audiences can expect a one-of-a-kind journey filled with entertainment, wisdom, and inspiration as Janet takes the spotlight, ready to energize and uplift all who are fortunate enough to be in attendance.



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